Empower Yourself

through menstrual cycle awareness, hormone health & cycle syncing

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Book A Free Consult With Taylor

Wondering how we can work together? Do you have questions about your cycle or hormones you want to run past me? Wondering what questions to ask your doctor? Want to know if The Academy is for you? Book a free consult to talk about it all. I look forward to meeting you!

Free Consult

 Master Your Monthly Rhythm


For too long women have lived in that dark about their own bodies - especially their menstrual cycle. We've been told our lab work is normal, yet we feel off. We are on the hamster wheel of fitness programs and diets, not seeing results & feeling exhausted daily. NOT ANY MORE. Inside my signature program, Cycle Sync Academy, you will learn how to work with your body by optimizing your hormones through the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle.


Learn about Cycle Sync Academy & Joining the Case Study
Hey there!


It's nice to meet you

I'm a mother, wife, SYNC certified coach, hormone nutritionist, and a sign language interpreter. I'm obsessed with all things menstrual cycles and teaching women how to trust their divine design!

My hormone health journey began after I had my second child. I was experiencing severe pms, irritability, and rage - my emotional outbursts were taking over. I had a short fuse all the time, lots of yelling and crying. I was exhausted beyond belief, busy taking care of the family & household needs, and full of resentment while doing it. I was not myself.

At that time, I went to my doctor, explained my situation, and was handed birth control and antidepressants. I didn't want that to be my answer. I knew I needed to change my situation. So I did. I dove into all things health & wellness. Along the way my journey led me to hormone health & cycle syncing, which has been TRANSFORMATIVE! I have tools and cycle predictability on my side! It is now my mission to share this life-changing information with other women.

Thank you for being here and trusting me on your journey. I'm so glad our paths have crossed.

be well, Tay🌙


"After working with Taylor for 3 months my period health has improved drastically! My period flow is half what it used to be, no large clots, minimal to no cramps, and no flu-like symptoms."


"Group coaching with Taylor has been such a treat. Each session I walk away more clarity and insight into myself, The support is unparalleled."


"After 3 months of working with Taylor, my period isn't as heavy and my PMDD symptoms have significantly decreased. I've been communicating my needs to my partner more clearly - he is actually asking me questions about my cycle!"



I help women connect to their body and feel empowered by their hormones through menstrual cycle awareness and cycle syncing.

Hormone Jumpstart [START HERE]

Feeling overwhelmed by all the hormone advice out there? I was too. Which is why I created Hormone Jumpstart for you! This is your course to get started on healing and balancing your hormones with ease and clarity. It will take you less than 1 hour to go through the course. What are you waiting for?!

Enroll now for FREE

Sync Starter Kit

The digital kit every woman needs! Let's breakdown the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle, learn what foods & exercise support each phase, and start or deepen your tracking skills. Short and sweet video lessons, pdf's, cycle trackers, quick guides, and charts. Learn about moon bathing & seed cycling for hormone health. 

Get your kit for $28

Cycle Sync Course

Cycle Sync Course is a 10 module digital course! Everything you need to learn menstrual cycle awareness, cycle syncing, and cycle tracking, PLUS resource materials and bonus Masterclasses. You get lifetime access to the entire course!

Get the course for $375