A Comprehensive Course To Master Your Monthly Rythyms.

The self-paced cycle sync & hormone health course for busy women who want to learn in the pockets of their day!



Tired of being told birth control will 'balance' your hormones?

Let me've been handed birth control to 'fix' your symptoms or 'balance' your hormones too? Birth control does not balance your hormones, it mutes them, placing women in a forced state of menopause. Yeah, crazy right?!?!? Birth control has become a shoot from the hip solution for many women's health issues. Sadly, birth control is a band-aid solution to the deeper problem you may be experiencing. Through hormone literacy and cycle syncing, you can transition off of birth control and use a natural root-cause approach to your health. Lets go, sis!

PMS is Common, Not Normal.


Are you down for the count every month? Heat pad on your belly, popping Midol, laying on the couch frustrated with humanity because you're a woman? That's not how your body is supposed to work! It doesn't have to be this way. 

PMS & PMDD is a symptom of something deeper. It's a sign that you are living out of alignment with your body. GOOD NEWS! You have more control over your hormones than you realize. Through hormone literacy and syncing your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle to your cycle, you can experience painless periods, decreased pms, personal validation, and a deeper connection to Self. 



Cycle Sync Academy: A Comprehensive Course To Master Your Monthly Rhythms, is a self-paced online course:

  • Lifetime access Cycle Sync Academy online course
  • printable resource materials
  • menstrual cycle tracker
  • meal, snack, and recipe book for ideas that sync with your cycle
  • phase-by-phase fitness guide
  • bonus masterclasses: Environmental Hormone Disruptors | Nervous System & Hormones | Menstrual Products | Feminine Energy | And More!
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 28-Day Sync Fitness Program (optional add on, talk with Taylor)

It’s time to transform! Release the period taboo & live a cyclical life created by your divine design! 


Learning your hormonal symphony! Learn what the endocrine system is and how it relates to your hormone health. Understand how crucial ovulation is and how to determine if and when you ovulate. 


Nutrition for Hormone Health. Learn why protein is vital for women as we age. Along with micro/macro nutrients, gut health, and seed cycling benefits.


Learn how the 4 Nourishing Non-Negotiables of hormone health - no matter what phase of your cycle you're in. These are your building blocks to balancing hormones and reclaiming your energy.


The 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. Learn what your hormones are doing in each phase and how to support yourself phase-by-phase with fitness, nutrition, and self-care. Start to trust yourself each phase.


Cyclical food prep. Meal prep with Taylor! Meal planning strategies, meal prep videos, and phase-by-phase recipes for the busy woman.


Bonus. Moon cycling, peri/post menopause, environmental toxins, sync motherhood, Sacred Menarche for young girls, and ideas for a red tent community in your area.

Meet Your Coach, Taylor.

Hi! I'm a mother, wife, SYNC certified coach, hormone nutritionist, and a sign language interpreter. I'm obsessed with all things menstrual cycle and teaching women how to trust their divine design!

My health journey began after I had my second child. I was experiencing severe pms, irritability, and rage - my emotional outbursts were taking over. I had a short fuse all the time, lots of yelling and crying. I was exhausted beyond belief, busy taking care of the family & household needs, and full of resentment while doing it. I was not myself.

At that time, I went to my doctor, explained my situation, and was handed birth control and antidepressants. I didn't want that to be my answer. I knew I needed to change my situation. So I did. I dove into all things health & wellness. Along the way my journey led me to hormone health & cycle sync'ing, which has been TRANSFORMATIVE! I have tools and cycle predictability on my side! It is now my mission to share this life-changing information with other women.

Thank you for being here and trusting me on your journey. I'm so glad our paths have crossed.

be well, tay.


"After 3 months of working with Taylor, my period isn't as heavy, and my PMDD symptoms have significantly decreased! I've been communicating my needs with my partner more clearly - he is actually asking me questions about my cycle!"


"Group coaching with Taylor has been such a treat! Each session I walk away with more clarity and deeper insight into myself. The support is unparalleled."


"Syncing my workouts to match where I am in my cycle has helped me become more consistent - I'm working out more than before and it feels so good. I've been nonstop with my kids since school started and I'm so grateful I know how to take better care of myself so I have energy to keep up and be present with them. I owe a lot of that to Taylor! THANK YOU for doing what you do!"




  • You're exhausted all the time despite decent sleep.
  • You have an unseen responsibility load that weighs you down.
  • You feel like a different person before you start your period.
  • You are active yet you don't see or feel results in your body, have belly fat you can't get rid of, or you want to start working out but can't find the motivation.
  • You have been told your lab work is normal, yet you feel off.
  • You want to transition off of birth control.
  • You experience any of the following: heavy, painful, or irregular periods, severe PMS,  PMDD or PCOS, you feel like you're on an emotional rollercoaster.
  • You want to help other women learn this information too.
  • You are ready for tools to tap into your intuition & bring out the goddess inside you.

If you can relate to any of the above, Cycle Sync Academy is definitely for you!

Imagine having a regular & predictable cycle, clear skin, nutrition confidence, painless periods, exercise consistency, stronger boundaries, more intimacy with your partner, and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. Let's go, sis!